Available courses

This course will focus on the history of Christianity from the 1500s up to the present day

Church of the Brethren History offered through SVMC.

This course will help students understand the origins of the denomination, including its Anabaptist and Radical Pietist roots, as well as changes to the denomination over the past 300 years. Emphasis will be placed on Brethren theological understandings and how these have impacted its history.  

The Hebrew Bible serves as the basis for much of western religion. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all relate to the narratives, laws, and poetry within it. In this course, we will explore the Hebrew Bible and the books which are contained within it. We will look at the ancient contexts where these books were written and redacted. We will also touch on how early readers of these texts understood them and look at the beginnings of how those interpretations became the major religions of today. We will also attempt to look at the dialogue between the books of the Hebrew Bible and what this dialogue might imply about the communities which created and transmitted these books to us.
During this course, we will not be using a single textbook. Instead, readings have been provided in Moodle from a variety of sources. Rather than speed reading through the entire Hebrew Bible, we will instead closely read specific sections of the Hebrew Bible. We will use the textbook A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible by John J. Collins as a starting place to explore the Hebrew Bible. While time will not allow a full reading of the Hebrew Bible, we will read some from most of the books and discuss them, the textbook, and other readings. At the end of the course, you will turn in a project, though the form of the project is up to you, the student. It can be a sermon, an adult lesson plan, a traditional research paper, or another project.

To speak about polity is to explore how groups are organized and governed. In the Church of the Brethren, our polity grows out of our history, our practices, and our ecclesiology (who we are as a church). Talking about polity as ministers and members of the Church of the Brethren naturally uncovers who we are, what we do, and how we shape our lives together.  In this course, we will engage the current and past polity of the Church of the Brethren in order to understand how it has, and continues to, shape “another way of living.”

How has the Brethren movement developed over time? How have Brethren confronted issues in the broader society, such as slavery, war, or prohibition? This course will answer these questions and others by exploring the history of the Brethren movement, beginning with its origins in Schwarzenau, Germany and tracing its development through over 300 years of his-tory. While this course will predominantly focus on the Church of the Brethren, the class will also touch briefly on other Brethren groups. The course will investigate the social historical contexts in which the Brethren emerged in Europe, immigrated to North America, and spread to other countries. A focus of the course will be on the changes and continuities among the Brethren in interaction with surrounding cultures.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the broad scope of Brethren history. Students should become able to identify key terms, persons, themes, and events within Brethren history.

A practical exploration of the gifts and challenges specific to Interim/Transitional Ministry. It is designed to explore the necessary tasks for successful Interim/Transitional Ministry and the personality characteristics most helpful to develop for the practice of this specialized area of congregational leadership. We will examine the unique calling of persons to walk with congregations in both simple interim and long term intentional ministry situations.

Students who participate in this DISU will examine their own preaching, specifically what is said and how it is said. After completing this course, students will be able to:

• evaluate sermons for what is communicated through the words that are spoken.

• articulate the role of celebration in preaching.

• utilize practical resources for strengthening genuine and celebratory preaching.

The practice course is designed to give you a brief understanding of Moodle. 

This course will explore different ways in which people learn.

What do Brethren believe? How do these beliefs translate into practice? This course will answer these questions and others by exploring Brethren beliefs related to a variety of issues, including Scripture, the person of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, original sin, and the endtimes. We will discuss how these beliefs shape our understanding of Brethren ordinances, such as baptism, Love Feast, anointing, nonresistance, and nonconformity. Particular attention will be paid to the Pietist and Anabaptist origins of Brethren beliefs. The course will also examine how these beliefs and practices have changed over time and consider the diversity of beliefs found among Brethren today.

Este curso es una oportunidad para conocer los papeles que ayudan pastores con su administración y práctica como líderes en la Iglesia de los Hermanos.  Leeremos los textos que nos guían de la Biblia y entenderemos los principales que nos ayudan tener una comunidad que enfoque en la misión que Dios nos ha dado.  Discutiremos maneras de funcionar que levanta la vida de la congregación y son saludable para los pastores también.  Reflexionemos en los característicos de un líder en la iglesia y planificamos ideas por el servicio que viene en cómo podemos mejorar nuestro ministério.  Todos van a participar por medio de Moodle donde semanalmente van a recibir enseñanza y tarea, videoconferencias por Zoom y conversaciones con los estudiantes y profesora durante la semana.

Here you can review all syllabi for courses offered at Bethany for the upcoming semester, as available. We hope that you will feel free to peruse this information to assist you in selecting courses that you wish to take.

Additionally, while these syllabi are subject to final revision by faculty prior to the course beginning, book lists, preliminary assignments, and the like are dependable for these syllabi unless otherwise noted, so that you may use this information to begin to prepare ahead for courses in which you have chosen to enroll.

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